Buy Calcium D Glucarate
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Although lab studies suggest anticancer effects, calcium glucarate has not been shown to treat or prevent cancer in humans.Calcium glucarate is absorbed in the intestine and converted into a molecule that inhibits beta-glucuronidase, to possibly increase elimination of toxic substances. For example, rats exposed to carcinogens and then fed calcium glucarate had fewer tumors and slower tumor development than rats that were not fed this substance. Calcium glucarate also increases estrogen elimination, which may reduce estrogen levels in the body. This explains its use as supportive care among estrogen-sensitive breast cancer patients. However, positive results in animal studies do not always mean a similar approach will work in humans. In addition, no clinical trials have tested whether calcium glucarate has these effects in humans.
Calcium glucarate is the salt and commercial form of glucaric acid, which occurs naturally in a variety of foods including apples, oranges, broccoli, and spinach (1). Calcium glucarate and other derivatives have been used to prevent and treat cancer. Patients with breast cancer sometimes self-medicate with calcium glucarate supplements following surgery or adjunctive treatments. The glucarate component, not the calcium, is thought to account for its activity. Following administration, glucarate is converted to D-glucaro-1,4-lactone, which inhibits beta-glucuronidase (4).
In vitro and animal studies suggest inhibition of beta-glucuronidase may prevent carcinogenesis (5), as well as initiation and promotion of cancer cells (3) (6). Increased elimination of carcinogens and hormones including estrogen has also been shown (2). In colon (7) and lung (8) cancer models, calcium glucarate exerted chemopreventive effects in the post-initiation phase of carcinogenesis. Dietary calcium glucarate also inhibited oral carcinogenesis (9). Topical calcium glucarate suppressed tumor development in murine skin tumors (6) (10) (11), and enhanced chemopreventive effects were achieved with a topical butyric acid, nicotinamide, and calcium glucarate combination (12) (13). Other preclinical data suggest topical ursolic acid along with dietary calcium glucarate supplementation could also reduce skin tumor promotion and inflammatory signaling (14).
Preliminary findings from a human study suggest that low glucaric acid levels and/or high beta-glucuronidase levels are markers of detoxification system impairment, and that calcium glucarate supplementation might reduce the cancer risk of some individuals (15). Subsequent studies have not materialized and are needed to confirm such effects.
The glucarate component, not the calcium, accounts for the activity of calcium glucarate, which is absorbed from the gut as D-glucaric acid. This is further converted to D-glucaro-1,4-lactone, which is thought to inhibit beta-glucuronidase activity (4). Beta-glucuronidase has been shown to decrease the rate of elimination of estrogen and carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines by deconjugation (3). Inhibition of beta-glucuronidase activity with calcium glucarate improves excretion of metabolized estrogen and carcinogens (2). D-glucarate can also be metabolized by gut bacteria, inhibit bacterial beta-glucuronidase, and potentially alter the enterohepatic cycle.
In animal studies, calcium glucarate reduced the quantity of benzo[a]pyrene-induced lung lesions with mutated K-ras and p53 genes in the post-initiation phase via DNA adduct removal, mutagenic suppression, and anti-inflammatory activity (8). Antitumorigenic effects of topical calcium glucarate may be due to stimulated differentiation via induction of transglutaminase activity and suppression of proliferation (6), as well as inhibition of thymidine kinase and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activities, thus preventing carcinogen-DNA binding (10). Enhanced chemopreventive effects by a topical butyric acid, nicotinamide, and calcium glucarate combination used on murine skin tumors occurred via induced mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, upregulated p21, and downregulated Bcl-2, mut p53 (12). In another study this combination regulated miR-203 status through epigenetic or biogenetic modulations before and after tumor development to a greater degree than each of the individual compounds (13). Reduced epidermal hyperplasia with a combination of topical ursolic acid and dietary calcium glucarate supplementation caused a marked decrease in COX-2 and IL-6 expression (14).
Calcium-D-glucarate is the calcium salt of D-glucaric acid, a substance produced naturally in small amounts by mammals, including humans. Glucaric acid is also found in many fruits and vegetables with the highest concentrations to be found in oranges, apples, grapefruit, and cruciferous vegetables. Oral supplementation of calcium-D-glucarate has been shown to inhibit beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme produced by colonic microflora and involved in Phase II liver detoxification. Elevated beta-glucuronidase activity is associated with an increased risk for various cancers, particularly hormone-dependent cancers such as breast, prostate, and colon cancers. Other potential clinical applications of oral calcium-D-glucarate include regulation of estrogen metabolism and as a lipid-lowering agent.
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First of all, what is Calcium D-glucarate It is the calcium salt of D-glucarate, a compound made in the body through the oxidation of glucose. D-glucarate is also found naturally in grapefruit, apples, oranges, and cruciferous vegetables. (1,2) Calcium D-glucarate is also made in the body.
In order to keep you healthy, your body needs to go through the process of detoxification. D-glucarate can help inhibit enzymes that reverse the detoxification process, helping your body detox the way it should.
It can also encourage a healthy inflammatory response and offer antioxidant protection. (4-6)Calcium D-glucarate has been shown to support normal cell division in laboratory studies. (7-9)
In supplement form, calcium and glucaric acid are combined to stabilize the glucaric acid in supplement form. Once calcium D-glucarate enters your stomach it is metabolized to calcium and glucaric acid. Glucaric acid is the active ingredient in this supplement, which means it is the ingredient that provides the most benefit for your hormones.
Calcium D-glucarate does contain about 9% calcium, which is not a substantial amount and will not replace the need for dietary calcium or a calcium supplement. Calcium citrate and calcium glycinate are better forms of calcium to supplement with for bone, nervous system, cardiovascular, and muscle health.
Oral calcium d-glucarate supplementation has been shown to prevent the body from reabsorbing and recycling hormones and harmful environmental toxins. It does this by supporting increased glucuronidation (phase 2 liver detoxification) and inhibiting beta-glucuronidase, which facilitate the secretion of potentially harmful compounds and hormones. More on all of this soon.
Calcium D-glucarate plays an important role in elimination of the products the liver has prepared for excretion. To understand how calcium D-glucarate benefits your hormones we need to get a little nerdy with liver metabolism. Stick with me because liver health is everything in having awesome hormones.
By inhibiting beta-glucuronidase activity, calcium D-glucarate may help prevent the increase in toxic metabolites and facilitate the elimination of estrogen by the body. Of the different metabolites of glucaric acid, calcium D-glucarate appears to have the longest inhibitory effect on beta-glucuronidase.
Hair loss can be caused for a variety of reasons and excess estrogen can be one of them. If this is the case, calcium D-glucarate may help assist your body with the removal of hormones responsible for hair loss.
While calcium D-glucarate shows some promise with regards to breast, colon, lung, skin, and prostate cancer, it is important to note that most studies are done on animals or within a lab. We need more robust research to understand the impact this may have.
In a 2007 mouse study published in Oncology Letters it was found that calcium D-glucarate supplementation halted lung tumor growth by inducing apoptosis (death of the cells) and reducing inflammation.
Calcium D-glucarate has also shown promise in fighting skin cancer in animal models. In a 2007 study published in the Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology, and Oncology it was found that supplementing with calcium D-glucarate inhibited the progression of skin cancer via apoptosis.
Calcium D-glucarate is important because it helps ensure that estrogen marked for excretion actually leaves the body. Without sufficient levels of calcium D-glucarate, the neutralized hormone can be activated and reabsorbed in the body. The liver then has to work again on clearing the reintroduced hormone, which strains the liver.
Calcium D-glucarate ensures that the processed hormone or toxin is excreted by inhibiting beta-glucaronidase from recycling the hormones. If beta-glucaronidase is too prevalent, you may reabsorb more estrogen than you need. As we age, this is exactly what occurs.
Calcium D-glucarate is an important part of a successful intervention because it promotes better function of the liver and intestines. In addition to detoxifying the body generally, the liver cleans the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is where all the signaling between cells occurs, including the transmission of hormones. The way to clear estrogen or other hormones out of the extracellular matrix is through the liver. If the liver is able to efficiently eliminate excess hormones from the body, it will be able to handle other chemicals, including toxins, more efficiently as well. Thus, by helping the liver with estrogen excretion, calcium D-glucarate not only combats estrogen dominance, it also strengthens overall liver function, so that balance can be achieved for all components of the NEM Stress Response. 59ce067264